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A Look At How Father’s Day All Began


Father’s day is a special day when many people in several different countries in the world celebrate becoming fathers and they also do their best to honor fatherhood. It is a day that is spent acknowledging the fact that fathers play a very important role in everyone’s lives. However, each nation seems to have its own history of celebrating Father’s Day though it is most often celebrated in the summer and more particularly in the month of June.

Celebrated As A Secular Holiday

This is that day in the year when family members present gifts to their fathers or take them out to have dinner or recognize their fathers in some other special way. For many nations, Father’s Day is celebrated as a secular holiday and many religious heads also include Father’s Day in the sermons that they give to their followers.

Countries that are predominantly Roman Catholic celebrate Father’s Day on the nineteenth day of March which is also St. Joseph’s Day though celebrating this important day is not restricted to just Catholics. In many countries, a holiday is observed on Father’s Day and this gives families an excellent opportunity to go for family picnics and to hike with backpacks loaded with the choicest foods that are then consumed out there in the presence of Mother Nature and your father.

In the US, and in many other countries, Father’s Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in the month of June and this is a tradition that dates back to about the middle of the nineteenth century though over the years the actual day when Father’s Day is celebrated has varied in different countries. The story of Father’s Day celebrations relates to the year 1909 when a certain Sonora Smart Dodd when listening to a service on Mother’s Day thought about her father that had raised her all by himself after her (Dodd’s) mother had passed away.

These thoughts galvanized Dodd into approaching church officialdom with the request that a day should be reserved to commemorate the service provided by fathers and this led the Church to, in the year 1910; designate Father’s Day to be held in middle of June each year.

If you are thinking about presenting Father’s Day gifts to your dad then think out of the box because chances are that your dad has had enough of socks and neckties and hankies. You should instead look at the sports that your dad loves the best and then perhaps gift him with tickets to a great sporting event that features his favorite team. Be imaginative in how you choose his gift!


AUGUST / 2022

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